Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome, members of the American Fork Utah Central Stake! We are excited to invite you to participate in our first ever Stake Art Show. This blog is your source for any info you might need on the art show. Please feel free to post any questions you might have, and we will answer them as quickly as possible.

What: The first ever Stake Art Show
When: Friday October 28, 2011 5:00-9:00 pm
Where: American Fork Central Stake Center

When is the art show?
-- We have set a date for October 28th. An exciting aspect of the Art Show is that it correlates with Stake Conference weekend! What an amazing, spiritual week to celebrate our Savior and learn of His love for us, and a great way to prepare to hear the words of our Savior through our local leaders!

Who can participate?
-- Anyone in the stake of any age is welcome to participate!

What kind of art can be submitted?
-- Any kind of visual art is welcomed, including (but certainly not limited to) paintings, drawings, photography, collages, sculptures, ceramics, papercrafts, scrapbooks, needle art, quilts, etc. Pretty much anything that can be displayed. If you have a question about whether your piece will work, please just ask! Also, please do consider what your piece will need to be displayed (easel, etc.) and let us know whether you can supply it or if you have special needs.

Is there a theme?
-- Our theme for this show is "I feel my Savior's love." We want to celebrate all the ways we feel our Savior's love in all aspects of our lives and encourage all to come to the Savior. Pieces that tie into this theme in any way are welcomed. Each piece in the show will be accompanied by a card where the artist can explain how their piece bares testimony of feeling the Savior's love.

How do I sign up?
--Entry forms will be provided to each ward through your ward representative and then you can get them to Debbie Larson 323 North 400 East, or you can email the information to or call 801-372-4287. Please include: Name, Ward, Age Category (Primary [3-11], Youth [12-17], Adult [18+]), What kind of visual art you would like to present, if you need the Stake Cultural Arts Committee to help with displaying your piece (Easel, etc. There is a very limited amount of easels, so if you can provide you own means of display, that would be best), and how your piece fits our theme.

When is the deadline for signing up?
-- Deadline: October 22nd

When do you have to submit your piece?
-- Deadline: You can bring your piece to the Stake Center on Friday October 28th between noon and 3 pm. Other arrangements may be made if necessary. However, we ask that you contact us by the 26th with information regarding your piece such as size, display type and needs. Also, please remember that it is your responsibility to collect your piece after the show is finished. Arrangements can be made to pick up pieces the next morning.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We are so excited to give many members of the Stake the opportunity to participate in this celebration of our Savior's love!

The Stake Cultural Arts Committee