Sunday, August 26, 2012

2nd Annual Stake Art Show

It's time, again, for the Stake Art Show!  We would love it if you'd join us! Here are a few things you'll need to know when you sign up:

When is the Art Show? Friday September 14, 2012 5-9 pm

Where is the Art Show? The Stake Center

Is there a theme? Yes.  This year we have chosen the theme to coincide with the youth theme:  "Arise and Shine Forth"

What kind of artwork can I display?  Any kind of visual art is welcome.  Some ideas are, but not limited to, photography, painting, sculptures, multi media, scrapbooking, wood workings, jewelry, quilts, porcelen dolls, sewing projects, Lego creations, collages...the list goes on.

Is there a limit?  We ask that you limit your entries to 2 per person.

How do I sign up for the art show?  Simply fill out an entry form and return it to either Debbie Larson, Stacy Nelson, Gail Gibson, or Shaun Shields.  You may also email the information to The information needed is: name, ward, age category (primary, youth or adult), what kind of art you will be presenting, display needs if any, and how your piece fits the theme.

Is there a deadline for signing up? Please have your entries turned in by September 11, 2012

When should I bring my art work to the Stake Center?  We ask that you bring your entries to the Stake Center between 10 am and 4 pm on Friday the 14th, however if you cannot make this time, arrangements can be made.

When should I plan on picking up my art work? Please plan on picking up your art work between 9 and 9:30 the evening of the Art Show.

Can I help? We are also looking for any volunteers to help prepare for the art show and to help the night of.  Please contact Debbie Larson if you are interested.

A few more things to note: Please lable your pieces with your name and phone number.  Please remember when you come to the Art Show that we ask that you leave any strollers in the foyer.

Thanks for being a part of the Art Show! If you have any questions feel free to contact me!  Debbie Larson 801-372-4287 or